The Teutonic word Lent, which we employ to denote the forty daysy#39; fast ... This article is about the observance of Lent in Western Christianity. .... to be given Did Christ or any of His apostles observe Lent? ... The True Meaning of Lent ... The word Lent is apparently derived from the Old English lencten, which means The word Lent itself is derived from the Anglo-Saxon words lencten, meaning yquot;The word yquot;Lentyquot; is derived from Old English lencten, meaning y#39;springy#39;, the 22 Jun 2009 ... Why is it called Lent? Lent is an old English word meaning y#39;lengtheny#39;. Lent is The Meaning of the Word yquot;Lentyquot; The word Lent comes from Anglo Saxon times Definition of Lent in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of ... Lent synonyms, Lent Lent definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, ...
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